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We have workshops for young people from ages 11 to 21. These specialised workshops are designed to help them to discover their purpose in life and equip them to deal with some of life’s challenges. Workshop teachings are done in a fun and interactive way through skits, music, dance, videos, and participation.

We share the message of salvation with young people; and teach them about communion (breaking of bread), water baptism and the Holy Spirit. Participants are given the opportunity to be water baptised should they choose.

Our workshop topics include dealing with anger, rejection, fear and anxiety, substance abuse, and many other issues that plague our young people today. We work with pastors and community leaders to host these workshops which typically take place twice a month in local communities.

Our workshops aim to:

• Reduce substance abuse, teen pregnancies, suicides, and depression amongst adolescents.
• Identify and develop leadership qualities in adolescents.
• Train leaders with a focus on the needs of the community and how to tackle them.
• Train and empower teachers/helpers who volunteer in the children and youth ministries of their churches.
• Our Victory Let’s Talk Programme aims to help adolescents who need someone to talk to and pray with regarding their circumstances.